I grew up as the only child at home and the eldest of three brothers. My mother and I have always been very attached with clear distancing normal teenager and differences of opinion as adults and mothers of the two.
Although communication was always open to the house, I do not remember having a consider conversation about self-esteem or self-beauty with my mother. I do not know if it affected me confidence grow or not, is that I do not remember that I had a lot of self-esteem when I was in high school, a bit with age, slightly overweight fortunately survived adolescence and youth came in a lot more confident. I feel that much of this is due to the confidence instilled family values during my childhood, not only my mother but, my grandmother and aunts.
However, the world has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. Do not let me lie to say that the stereotypes of beauty have changed and girls are much more exposed to the media reckon, internet and social sending conflicting messages. Do you have daughters survived adolescence, nieces, godchildren?
Today I have five tips to talk to girls self esteem and beauty
1. Just talk, ask questions, share. The only initiative to talk informally and quiet, can make a big difference.
2. Talk with them at an early age. Girls react and think differently are girls of 20 years, you know that
72% of girls (aged 10-17 years) feel much pressure to be beautiful
Only 11% of girls (aged 10-17 years) feel comfortable using the word "beautiful" to describe themselves.
When girls feel bad about their appearance, over 60% of them (aged 15-17) in the world, do daily activities, such as going to school, going to appointments and even medical review.
(Source: Dove Global Research)
3. Be a role model for your daughter. Our children are watching, listening and watching all the time, even without realizing it, seize the opportunity. For example, I stopped using the word diet and instead talked about how to have a balance in our lives. And as soon as I can, I remind my children how special they are as individuals, and qualities that characterize how much I love them.
4. Often, girls can open a dialogue when you talk to her closest friends. Why not take advantage of this Situation? brings together a group of friends of your daughter and do something fun together, at some point, you can use this to talk. An acquaintance of mine met twice a month with her daughter and her daughter is close friends for years, learn to cook, go visit a new place, do a sleepover, camping, or just to find home to talk stereotypes about a particular subject, is not a good idea to create a communication with your daughter?
5. If you feel that you do not know where to start, I invite you to help you as a dove resources lead "Live Better, Let's Talk" where Jess Weiner, self-esteem Dove World Ambassador offers valuable ideas. Or follow better life on Facebook where you can chat with other members of the community.
Self-esteem and the concept of beauty girls today are priceless, we will participate Be a role model for daughters dont disesteem about it!
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