Showing posts with label great anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label great anxiety. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Learn to speak in public

Learn to speak in public

Many people fear speaking in public, causing them great anxiety. However, we can improve the ability to speak in public. To achieve this, it is critical to properly prepare and know the subject. Take the interest of the public and speak effectively will make communication more efficient.

However, there is a phobia that straddle the large number of people and go and is done more common. This time we are going to be afraid of public speaking, because public speaking phobia you may feel humiliated or otherwise ridicule. Do you have phobias?, There are horror landscape? Well then you are referring to exactly what this phobia so you can get as soon as possible.

First of all, I must say that fear is public speaking or second name, afraid of what usually occurs usually during adolescence, and it is here that the more we care about the opinions of people like us (family and friends). Then, spread throughout our professional life to the need to talk to people, talk with a stranger, or even a phone call.

Among the various symptoms of anxiety include flushing of the face, the body language of nervousness, hesitation and muscle tension. If you meet these requirements while speaking or appear in public, here are some tips to help you control this phobia.

One. Fear of speaking in public People who have this fear, feel fear of criticism, to be observed by the people, forget what to say, or the reaction of anyone who listens. In short, this fear does not control the situation and succeed or fail in their interventions.

This fear of speaking in public was highlighted in the moments before the intervention, creating great anxiety often can be the reason for failure. In these moments, we usually think shivering voice, hands hands approach Luciano or rapid pulse.

The main reason for this fear is lack of experience. But if excessive can result from lack of preparation or did not know enough about. This causes great uncertainty, and great concern and anxiety to our questions can withstand a.

On the other hand, if the fear is exaggerated too can become our ally, and we put a warning about something that can not be read in all and makes us more cautious. So, help you prepare better and not be complacent. Therefore, it is important to recognize and accept the fact that you can prepare properly and can not be overcome and the reason for failure.

Two. Preparation Anyone can improve their ability to speak to speak in public over the PA dependent and courage that may arise. Let's look at some tips that can help:

- The most important thing is to know exactly what they are talking about and what we want to convey to listeners. Therefore it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the subject and understand the ideas we want to convey.

- Practice and rehearse what we say we give you confidence and fluency. Rehearsals take it as a reference if needed to take some notes on the key concepts of our discourse, but we must not lose the spontaneity memorize it and runs the risk of not knowing Forgot expression continue.

- Knowing what goes on, how the atmosphere and how the public will participate in our conversation, help us to having a better understanding of the situation and increase security. In this way, we can adjust the speech to all the circumstances, adjusting the time or the use of language matches the type of listeners.

- In addition, we must prepare for possible questions that could play, so we can respond more quickly and efficiently. Above all, we need to prepare those that by their difficulty to reach a situation more complicated. We are not satisfied and think it's going to raise difficult issues.

 3. Capture the interest of the public The main purpose of speaking in public is to convey information. It requires to capture the interest and attention of the audience and it is very important not only to the content of the message, but how you say it.

The way we express should vary depending on the public to participate, using language suitable for all audiences. Not the same university in contact with sellers. We fit the theme differently depending on the participants.

To attract public attention, it is advisable to start with what most concerns and stimulate their interest from the beginning. We also use jokes and humor First, there is a close connection first, and create a more relaxed atmosphere.During the intervention, it is important to be passionate about what we talk every now and then to change the pitch of the voice and the rhythm of speech, making it more dynamic and fun. Moreover, the use of pauses, as they are very efficient and create interest and tension.

At the end of his speech, it is important to remember briefly the most important aspects of our presentation and answer any questions. The last words that users must be in the same line that the whole speech, so for example, if our intervention had a passion and energy to finish strong.

4. Which effectively If you already speak effectively is to understand the message, persuade and communicate. Is to make the listener any time to know what he was talking about and see us for what we say, then it is essential to move the defense.

At a public front, speaking loudly and clearly, avoid jerky movements, or tags, are characteristics that demonstrate your faith. If, in addition, display anecdotes or personal experiences, using understandable language and to public participation, effective communication, ie remember listening to get the information you want to convey.

These few tips you should follow if you want to control public speaking phobia, insert it into practice knowing stage fright long-term control and thus make sure much more yourself.

 Always be positive Make it clear that you know the subject and you feel passionate about it.

Do not read your presentation Something very basic not to mention the public, by reading the presentation he uses the notes as notes, as required.

Provides examples Try to make your presentation as concrete and "realistic" as possible, so you can add your own anecdotes and humor to make the point.

Use visual aids Accept what you say visual aids such as notes distribution charts, transparencies and slides, you need to make sure that everyone can view them properly. Do not use visual aids, consisting of your target audience spend more time trying to read them, instead of listening to what you have to say.

Maintain eye contact with your audience Maintain eye contact even when you're out in the classroom or meeting room, classroom, among other, so that everyone feels you are speaking with.

Involving the public People hear only some time after that, the attention turned to other things. If you can make the presentation interesting to be really easy to grab and hold the attention of your audience for a while. It features simple activities and speed to be actively involved in the play.

Finally you should consider the issue, how to lose your fear of speaking, vocabulary and intensity of public voice, for this reason, you should change the tone of your voice and make sure not to talk fast.