Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Power of Positive Living

Features and local educator Andy Anderson, 84, lives in a simple motto: "I hope before the end of inspiration." And after the 10 years he spent teaching in primary schools and 20 years, who worked in adult education as a professor of positive psychology, he did a very thorough job. In fact, Anderson has a career after retirement for ways to help others live a happier and more are healthy.

"I think we should take every opportunity to make things better for us and for all," Anderson said. "I feel myself called upon to lift the spirits of the people and to encourage them to have a positive attitude to life."

Anderson recently mobilization project is a series of videos in three parts complaint is the result of his early work as a Lead Facilitator for the Virtues Project "The Power of Positive Living." - A program founded by Linda Kavelin Popov, Dr. Dan Popov and John Kavelin - and presenters who appear in the video, are all former students of the virtues Anderson.

After, the project is "a comprehensive approach to inspire the practice of virtues in everyday life." It aims to help provide a "revolution of kindness, justice and integrity" and workshops to inculcate values ​​such as love, goodness, justice and service.

The project focuses on video
these issues related to the improvement of physical and mental health through daily exercises. Anderson sees the videos as part of the tradition of service.

"My hope is that seeing them, people can a new willingness to find the responsibility for their lives and their circumstances. 'M really into the idea that you have to exert your will to improve things, not just sit and wait. You can exercise their free will to make life better in every respect, "he said.

The first part is called "Mind Healer, Mind Slayer, how does the mind" and includes an interview with Anderson, series and Darline Denudt Moderator Donna Thompson, a licensed in the center of spiritual life.

"Since I was a small child was healthy is very important for me, in general, and worth more than that," Thompson said in the video. "I am attracted to a life of service because I need to feel that it was worth it. This need was obvious that I'm often sick as a child and get the idea that I was not good enough and not worth much as a child healthy. So that was my first "trick of the mind," as Andy. "

Thompson comes to the "mental traps" that negative thought patterns that describe reinforced by repetition. "For many of us it's childhood memories or memories of pain in the past, that trigger a response, and the pain us more," says Thompson. "Memories of criticism or review (born), and we begin to see ourselves as broken. Sometimes even unconsciously sabotage us."

The way out of this vicious cycle, according to Thompson, is to realize that negative thoughts and feelings can be overcome by positive thinking and affirmations of love and gratitude can.

"(Spiritual activist and author) Marianne Williamson says that the spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear or resignation and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is our ultimate reality and our goal on earth. To the love of ourselves and to experience other, is the meaning of life, "says Thompson. "The truth is that at the deepest level, the unconditional support, even if we do not know. If nothing and gave us everything we think we do not have enough, the universe offers us an unlimited amount of them. Protection and security, we seek is within us. "

Thompson will give tips on how to use the power of the mind to work for us and not against us, and it is clear that the people to love yourself, before you can begin to love others.

"We must love, no matter what happens, I think is worth loving, alignment of a love that is not dependent on the success or approval and love as much as possible, whenever possible .... Especially deserve not only our to love ourselves, we can not live without him, "Thompson said." We need to be friendly with ourselves, compassion, and accept that we are not to judge or to leave. start we must, for us, no matter what . the second part is that gratitude is the fastest way to love. A closed heart can be dangerous for your health. "

The second part of the series:. "As our body" with tips for the year Pete Shepard, professor of physical education and a master's degree from Humboldt State University Shepard different exercises shows suitable for nearly all the world - even in wheelchairs or with other serious illnesses - despite that viewers care, a doctor before you consult an exercise program.

"When I did that, I thought," Man, this is so basic, everyone probably already knows, "but no one knows these things when they said about it:" Shepard said in a telephone interview.

"In fact, with all these myths about aging and stuff, everything you can think of to improve your fitness. You can improve. Not a departure .... We can all improve through exercise only the formation of the heart, "balance and breathing properly, he said in the video.

Shepard emphasizes the importance of exercise with a friend, to provide motivation and support, and provides a quick and easy ways to measure heart rate and a safe level of activity, determined to develop strength and endurance.

"One of the exercises that I recommend is to walk. If you take a walk with a friend who is probably the best thing you can do for you .... Sometimes everything available to be improved when n is that for a walk, "said." We seem to be in pain, no matter what. Always get, and you know what, you do not go there if you sit there. If you want to feel better, I have to do something .... If we do not feel anything, II better. "

On the question of what is "best practice" Shepard replied with a smile: "That's good."

In the third part, "The mind-body connection," Susan Wilson, a certified hypnotherapist and a master's degree in psychophysiology ASU, stresses the importance of taking responsibility for their own health.

"The disease should not be the scenario if you take responsibility for your life. Attitude is the most important in this regard," she said. "We need to take responsibility for our own health. Wait until you are very sick and then expect doctors all do not resolve with prescription drugs and painkillers. Physicians in the practice of treating a patient as" downstream "known how do we prevent "up" to disease or infirmity, is a minimum in the first place, and I hope to keep other medications. "

Wilson talks about the importance of preventive medicine in the form of good nutrition and dietary supplements, and draws a clear parallel between the mental and physical health.

"As far as we physically, what you eat, they are also practical, what he thinks and what he thinks of himself," she said. "Some say that happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy or you can wallow in negativity attached to this belief is justified with a litany of complaints .... Attitudes and can be changed."

To his advice to cultivate a to participate in stimulating discussions, play games, solve puzzles, and reading.

"Another tool that I use to guide my clients to let go of the past and none of the old injustices that still have the power to make you feel bad. This is not to say that what happened was right, it is very likely that he - there are a lot of parents have really terrible there - but if you can get to a place of neutrality about it let it go, then you have the power to deprive hurt more, "Wilson said." They know, it's true that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. Both love and hate involve a strong emotional bond, but when you release the mouse button, you are free to all who had the power over you all these years ....

"I especially like the feeling of a quote from Mother Teresa, when she said:" We must recognize that we all belong to each other "We all belong to each other .. The internalization of this concept led to feel less alienated in life, less alone . They are far less critical of others. You see them just as people in their own way in life, whatever. not you also want to cross your path, there is no reason for trying ....

"Therefore, do everything together," Wilson said, "Take care of your diet and nutritional supplements, including the consumption of water per day. Benefit of physical activity on strength, balance, to maintain mobility and independence. Develop a positive attitude towards self-help, others and life in general. Be adventurous. find new things to enjoy. Keep your mind active and try to be a lifelong learner. Unleash the past and start living in the present. Y when someone asks your age, I tell them how old you are young. Did these things, and you enrich your life at any age. "

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