Working with the motivation to sell Overcoming every day of your life comes to sell your car, absolutely nothing is done until they are very good at all so.We is in the sales organization, such as whether we like it or not. Whether you are a lawyer or accountant, a manager or a politician, an engineer or doctor.We almost put all our time trying to convince people from buying our products or services, you accept our suggestions, or just accept what we say . To convince a lot more before buying or influence other men and women - you need more motivation to buy and sell ten yourself.Here are direct measures of self-motivation: # One - you have to think of self itSelling is very important that sell something. The first thing you should think about what you sell. This means thinking about the "you". "It's really a question, significant dependence of self-preservation and the right attitude. | This is really the most important thing you can do to be in the sale of your car can be profitable. | This means that first we do not have advanced go to and trust, or because you do not have to wait back.The first people around you is your attitude. If you're like most people have done, then you are suffering from a lack of confidence in time for the truly all time. Is is a matter of his speech in his car, most people are a lot of talk negatively rather for himself as a positive -.
. is what keeps you in life, it is not really a confident attitude, the right attitude is - the quality of your employees thoughts . Productive constructive and optimistic to find themselves and their work is really a good feeling about it. and I think every little thing they do is take their inevitable success in a sales job or a small business owner or manager must happen, you have to constantly work on your attitude, you need to hear that voice in your head.If to hear you -. "I can not do this or that" or "you are not at a time when Buy "or" We are also the high price, "then you need to change more than talking to myself or to discontinue their thinking and you work.Start not influence their management factors attitude.Stay her away from criticism to condemn, and complaining and start running a little too joy.Remember Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor organization say - ". If you think you can do something, or if you can not think in any case, you are probably right "" # Two - The package must include all the other products we collect, how focus like the item is packaged and presented to the influence consumer choice in obtain.Especially, if you must go fantastic and you should dress appropriately for the occasion. And do not think his clothes only by the occasional buyer, they expect the same way.The design and color of the clothes they wear, sunglasses, shoes, handbags, watches, pens, clothes, use to make a statement about third - Smile No purchase necessary to perform, you do not need a big smile cheese, not just a pretty face is open to men and women frighten 4 -. Use the name name Use buyer as quickly as possible, but no more than what they are doing. Enterprise, care much more informal now instead of it not to use names of a 1 st st. Make sure your customers understand that you will remember. You can repeat the old trick - "My name is Bond, James Bond" or "My name is James, James Bond" # 5 - It's seems that the other person what your body language that you say? Are you comfortable or are a little nervous? If you listen, or had their eyes on the pitch. If they are comfortable, and I do not think it makes no sense to say something critical about your business |. They have an attitude of peace, security and confidence self-esteem expectation.Far better talk a little bit and then buy, everyone talks themselves.It is important in the first few minutes of meeting someone to walk again, he is not much of what you . say They are too busy to analyze, to take all the visual information in. # Six - Listen and see how men and women, sounds.Several prove especially men, to hear, but who hear it. The other person can only see through what they go to, not what happens in your head. If you see a blank expression, we must remember that one "meal". "The trick is, to all the hot spots, such as pitch, hear the occasional" Uh-huh "and sometimes also an issue in September # -. If you need additional interested.If interest.Most fascinating people who are very pleased with his own image concerns. If they like they feel really, really feel they are important and worth listening to, so that you can improve your self-esteem. If you can help men and women think they do not fall into the trap of flattering the other person, because the fact that most people fall appreciate.Do the right side you can see through and you will not fall, because it meets a genuine interest in the organization of the buyer to show and will be much more receptive to what you say Eight # - Talk .. . you positive you do not say - "Is not it a terrible day" or "The organization is very difficult right now" or something else to throw the conversation say things like (and only the truth) -. "I like the style of the job "or". I, reports of all important new theme "" # Nine heard - Mirror of this other person is not to imitate, as the other person, only implies that speaks and behaves exactly the same thing for the customer. After all, if the buyer speaks slowly and quietly, so to speak slowly and calmly. Remember, when men and women equal to ten # -. Hot and friendly If or appear stressed or aggressive sound, so do not be surprised if the other person defensive and far less than willing to show you, and one is warm and pleasant cooperate.If to be much more likely to buy a certain answer.This not everything to all Nicey Nicey-be. This is a pretty face or a telephone hot tones.Before open, we can use the method of selling our products, our service or our concepts purchase, we need to be protected as possible - that the buyer redeems us and we have your attention .